Whether it’s securing million-dollar deals, strengthening friendships, or finding a solid, supportive partner, we’re discussing the tough stuff.
Recently, my husband and I shared something deeply personal. It was something that was hard to discuss, tough to experience in real-time, and something that really only a handful of close friends and family knew.
All because – Life changing moments test relationships in unexpected ways.
What Changed Everything for Us
In April 2023, life threw us a curveball we never saw coming. It all started when Logan thought he was coming down with a cold or flu. Nothing major. He had a normal request for me to grab him some orange juice and chicken noodle soup (because, you know, those are the classic curealls).
I ran across the street to the grocery store, gone for no more than 15 minutes. When I returned, I saw a missed call and a text message from Logan saying, “Help me.”
I sprinted up the two flights of stairs to find him discolored, clammy, struggling to breathe. He could barely speak but managed to say, “I think I had a seizure.” Something he had never experienced before.
I got him into the car and rushed him to Emory Hospital, where they quickly triaged him. His heart rate was 175 as he was sitting, ya’ll. On average, a resting heart rate is typically no more than 75 give or take. As nurses rushed him into a room after calling for a wheelchair and immediate assistance over the intercom, it was the test results that came back about an hour later. We heard the words no one expected and, honestly, ones that were hard to comprehend.
“We found blood clots in his lungs… and his heart.”
Everything spiraled. He was moved to ICU, put on oxygen, and then we got hit with another shock the next morning:
“He had a heart attack.”
In the days that followed, Logan suffered a stroke, lost the ability to speak, and had to undergo an emergency brain procedure.
It was in those moments of silence, the ones in which the doctor comes to tell you the dire truth, the ones in which you have to make real life-altering decisions as a wife, that the strong woman that I am broke down. I felt completely out of control, but in those moments, I realized so many profound things. Let me share…
- Relationships aren’t tested during the good times. They’re tested in the darkest moments.
- Not everyone will show up and that’s okay.
- Love, loyalty, and real support stand out when everything else falls apart.
After Logan regained consciousness, he started checking his phone, and it was shocking to find out that some people we never expected showed up in HUGE ways, while some people we thought would be there… were completely silent.
Even family members were disappointments, and I mean close ones. The ones you assume will always have your back were the ones who did not step up nor relinquish their selfishness when he and I needed them the most. A hard truth to accept.
The reality check set it. We were forced to reevaluate relationships on every level. From family to friends and anyone we have ever chosen to put our energy into or who we choose to invest in for the future. We learned some real life lessons.
1. Not all relationships are built for the hard times. Some people love you when it’s easy but disappear when things get real.
2. Emotional availability matters. If someone can’t be there when you truly need them, are they really part of your support system?
3. True relationships require effort and reciprocity. It’s not just about showing up when it’s convenient, but it’s about being there even when it’s inconvenient.
4. Less is more. A small, tight-knit circle of genuine people is worth more than a hundred surface-level connections.
I want to challenge you to take a hard look at your relationships and ask yourself:
- Who consistently shows up for you without expecting anything in return?
- Who are you keeping in your life just because of history, but they no longer pour into you?
- Who do you need to let go of to make space for deeper, real connections?
Most importantly, please ask yourself, are YOU showing up for others the way you want them to show up for you?
This experience changed us in so many ways. It strengthened our bond and deepened our appreciation for the people who truly care. It also clarified who belongs in our circle and who doesn’t.
Relationships aren’t just about who celebrates with you in the good times, but who walks through the fire with you in the hard times.
So, if you take anything from this, let it be this – Invest in people who invest in you. Period.
Listen to the full conversation on The Real Connect Podcast.
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Until next time, choose quality relationships, set high standards, and never settle for less than what you deserve.